
NATO Drone Kills Taliban Insurgents In Nangarhar

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Jalalabad (BNA) Nine Taliban militants were killed and five others wounded in an air raid in Nangarhar province.
The Taliban were targeted in their hideouts in Perakhail region, Khogyani district by NATO Drone and killed.
Ataullah Khogyani spokesman for Nangarhar governor told BNA, in the raid, nine Taliban militants lost their lives and five others were wounded.
Pakistani fighters were also among and dead and wounded of the raid.
It is said that no any harm and casualties incurred to civilians in the attack.
Another report says that two Daesh fighters were killed in an air raid in Nangarhar province.
The Daesh fighters were targeted in their strongholds in Achen district and killed late last night.

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