
Tensions Need to be Resolved Through Diplomatic Channels Among Neighbor Countries

KABUL (BNA) Mawlawi Abdul Kabir, Deputy Prime Minister of Political, stressed the need to resolve contrasts among neighboring countries through diplomatic channels in the Cabinet Political Commission meeting on Wednesday at the presidential palace.

Countless topics, expressly the recent tensions with some neighboring countries, took to discussion and it was decided that tensions need be to resolved among neighboring countries through political and diplomatic channels. Said a statement.

The commission member stressed the need that borders tensions must put to an end adding differences between neighboring countries is not in the interest of any.

In the meantime, weeks ago, tensions raise between Afghanistan and some neighboring countries.

The detention and harassment of Afghan refugees in Iran and the Pakistani airstrikes on Khost and Kunar provinces have provoked strong reactions from Islamic Emirate officials.

In response to the Pakistan military airstrike in Khost province which killed and wounded dozens of civilians, “Pakistan’s military needs to be careful repeating such an act on Afghanistan soil and it would have bad consequences,” said Mujahid spokesman of Islamic Emirate


Bakhtar News Agency

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