
Danish, Dutch Ambassadors & Norwegian Charge d’ Affaires Call on VP

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Kabul (BNA)  Danish and Dutch ambassadors and Norwegian Charge d ‘Affaires to Afghanistan called on second vice president Sarwar Danesh and expressed their support from peace process and holding timely presidential elections in the country.
In the meeting, Danish and Netherlands ambassadors and Norwegian Charge d ‘Affaires considered that protection of achievements attained in the past 18 years in the field of human rights, women rights, civil freedoms and citizen rights in peace process were significant, stressing on principle of cooperation and unifying in visions between EU, US and Afghanistan government in peace process.
They asserted that recent achievements were part of common values between Afghanistan and its international partners and all should take part in protection of the values.
Afterwards, second vice president Sarwar Danesh by praising the EU member countries for cooperation with the people and government of Afghanistan stressed on the country’s continued cooperation with Afghanistan.
Considering the country’s election process as independent, Danesh said continuation of democratic process was one of priorities of the people and government of Afghanistan, adding that democratic values and lasting peace would not be maintained without elections in the country.

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