
Acting Director of Public Library Introduced To Employees

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Kabul (BNA) The acting director of Public Library, Dawa Khan Minapal was introduced to the staff and employees of the library yesterday.
Haroon Hakimi the advisor on media affairs and spokesman for the ministry of information and culture, after introducing Minawal to the employees of the public library, said that Minawal a graduate of Law and Political Science faculty is a poet and writer, had worked as director of information and culture department in Kandahar province and hoped for his success in new job.
Hakimi also added that the public library has 82 branches across the country including 12 branches in the capital city Kabul.
Speaking on the occasion, acting director of public library, Minawal pledged to do his best for the improving of the public library with the cooperation of the said library’s employees.

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