
CE’s Message On Former Red Army’s Pullout Of Afghanistan

Tuesday February 16, 2016

Kabul (BNA) Chief Executive Dr. Abdullah Abdullah in a message has congratulated the day the of victory of Afghanistan Mujahid nation over Soviet Union’s troops to each individual of hero nation in particular mujahidin of jihad and resistance and hoped further successes in all sectors of life particularly in consolidation of democratic system and solution of security problem, economic and social problems in the country for Mujahid nation of Afghanistan.
In his message, the country’s chief executive said, “15th Feb is coincided with anniversary of Soviet Union’s troop’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. On this historic day, the holy jihad of Afghanistan and sacrifices of the Muslim nation of the country resulted and the Soviet Union’s well-equipped and armed army carrying defeating and failing flags with themselves withdrew and shamefully left for their country.
The bravery and boldness of the people of Afghanistan caused that once again Afghanistan and the mujahid nation of the country became pioneers and holders of the flag for defeating communism and got the Medal of Honor in this regard in the history of 20th century. Anyway, we should not ignore that the Soviet Union’s troops withdrew from our country, but they left huge devastations and lots of catastrophes behind and such catastrophes and plots have caused lots of problems for jihad and mujahidin. After 27 years from the withdrawal of the Soviet Union’s troops from Afghanistan, we fortunately witness formation of democratic government in the country and our dear Afghanistan by blessing of the presence of people and determination of political leaders is taking step towards betterment and improvement in all fields. Although we are still witnessing continued catastrophes and reiterated wounds on Afghanistan Mujahid nation and terrorists are killing our people and destroying our country, but undoubtedly the people and armed forces of Afghanistan will also defeat these servants and criminal terrorists and clear our holy country from presence of these chicken-hearted individuals and terrorists.”

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