
Commentary: No Alternative For Holding Elections

Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Kabul (BNA) The commencement of registering the name of nominees for the elections indicates that holding presidential elections and elections for provincial council are imperative and there is no any other alternative except holding elections.
BNA commentator on political and social affairs writes:
The process of registering the names of the candidates for presidential elections officially started on 16 September.  Although, it is not clear that who have candidate himself for the post of presidency in the upcoming presidential elections, but the officials of Independent Commission for Election say, so far about 30 people have received information packages.
With commencing the process of registering the names of candidates, it leaves no any doubt that the presidential elections will be hold as it scheduled. Earlier, there were rumors that due to unknown reasons, the presidential elections will not be hold; therefore, there is no any program for holding it. While contrary to the rumors, the president of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in a meeting with the ethnic elders of Helmand and Zabul provinces considering holding elections as an important national process and to the benefit of people insisted on holding the elections. 
President Karzai made it clear that avoiding holding elections and insisting to remain in power, questions the legitimacy of the system and he let not such an action be practice.  
Mr. Karzai besides emphasizing on holding election as it scheduled asked the dignitaries and entire Afghan people to encourage eligible men and women to vote for their favorite candidates and to play their role in determining the destiny of their homeland.
Earlier the president’s statement, Marshal Faheem the first vice president also calling holding elections a must, insisted that there was no any other option. These statements strongly guarantee the holding of elections. Commencing the process of registering the names of the candidates is initial step toward holding the elections.
We invite our compatriots to participate in this democratic process and to vote a person who can serve people, leads the country toward peace, security, and paves the way for the prosperity and progress of the homeland.  T. Nemat

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