
Four Skillful Mine Planters Arrested in Jawzjan

Friday July 22, 2016
Kabul (BNA) Four skillful mine planters belong to Taliban rebels were detained during a special operation led by Afghan security forces in northern Jawzjan province.
A security official in the province said BNA reporter, the arrested people, where busy on making and planting mines to Taliban terrorist group.
Some explosive materials, making mine’s equipment and guidebook for production of weapons have been discovered and seized from the arrested men.
According to another report, three mine planters were killed following their own planted mine blast in Jawzjan province.
Meanwhile, six insurgents were killed during clashes with Afghan security forces in Jawzjan province as well.
The clashes occurred, while a group of Taliban militants attacked on Afghan security forces checkpoints in the province.
There were no any damages to civilians and Afghan security soldiers following the clashes.

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