
With Their Vast Participation In Upcoming Elections Afghans Will Determine Destiny of The Country: Faizi

Tuesday, April 01, 2014
Kabul (BNA) In his visit with some domestic media, the presidential spokesman, Eimal Faizi once again assured that the presidential election will be held on due time and on Saturday April 05 millions Afghan people will demonstrate their national determination throughout the country. Eimal Faizi added, the Afghan people have good conception of their country’s situation better than any other time now and consider participation in election very important for a stable future and progress of Afghanistan.
He assured that with their participation in elections, millions Afghan, will prove that they are able to determine their country’s destiny. Faizi pointed out that Afghans more than any other time will go to polling centers across the country and elect their favorite candidate.
The presidential spokesman assured that the government and responsible government bodies will be paving the ground of security and comprehensive partnership of countrymen in upcoming election and the people can take part with peace of mind.
Considering the upcoming presidential election as an important national and political process, Faizi said, the upcoming election is important and decisive for the future of Afghanistan and institutionalization of democracy. No vain effort of aliens’ intelligence agencies towards disturbing election, creation of instability and prevention of people in election and demonstration of their national intention will succeed.

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