
Territorial Integrity Guaranteed As Millions of Afghans Devoted

Saturday September 6, 2014
Kabul (BNA) It is supposed that the “Martyr Week” or the martyrdom anniversary of the National Hero of Afghanistan, Shaheed Ahmad Shah Massoud be marked in a number of provinces and Kabul city.
At the same time, a number of witnesses in political affairs and MPs believe that we should not suffice only with holding of grand ceremonies but the youths should be made aware about their report cards till they know the history of their country that is full of much sacrifice. Second Vice-President Advisor, Sahib Nazar Muradi in the connection said that during thirty years of civil wars and especially during Jihad against red army of former Soviet Union which was led by Commander Ahmad Shah Massoud, in this struggle, a great number of mujahidin were martyred and injured that unfortunately, Ahmad Shah Massoud was also martyred by terrorists.
He added that based on the same, annually, Martyr Week especially, the martyrdom anniversary of the National Hero of Afghanistan Ahmad Shah Massoud is celebrated not only for appreciating of his martyrdom but for appreciating all martyrs who lost  their lives for defending of independence of the country and its territorial integrity and  the national chastity. In this period Afghan heroes and mujahid people sustained beside two million martyrs, one and half millions disabled and crippled and wandering of millions of our countrymen to foreign countries, their countries’ all moral and materials are sustained damages as well. Muradi added that certainly, all nations who defend their national chastity, independence and territorial integrity of their country, their uprising and sacrifices should not be forgotten and their report card should be registered with golden letters in the heart of the history and be commemorated every year. A MP, Ahmad Behzad said that Afghanistan experienced thirty years war and misfortunes and majority of martyrs’ families celebrate their sacrifices as it is the common sentiments of the Afghanistan nation.
If the government doesn’t commemorate their sacrifices, the people themselves would do this and mark the historical days of their country. An MP of Herat province said that instead of propagation and holding grand ceremonies for commemorating from report cards of martyrs of path of independence, the government should make effort to safeguard the worthies such as welfare, justice, security and strengthen as well as keep them alive and observation of human rights be considered. The government also should endeavor to create a prosperous society economically and investigate the rights of martyrs of path of independence. Behzad added that I believe the martyrs’ families should be supported morally and materially. Because, they lost their dear ones’ lives for independence of their country and the ceremonies should not be symbolic.
Expensive ceremonies would have negative impacts behind for the society and it is a kind of disrespect to their personalities. He added that a healthy economic program should be considered for their families in long run. Likewise, a political witness, Jawid Kohistani in connection with splendor marking the Martyr Week and martyrdom anniversary of the National Hero, Shaheed Ahmad Shah Massoud said that as you know well the national and historical worthies are irrigating from the bloods of the martyrs. Unless the nations don’t shed their bloods and don’t get martyred, they will not reach to independence and development. Previously, these days were celebrating very grandeurs but unfortunately,   during recent years, less attention are paid by a number of our youths towards their historical prides.
We should not only commemorate from the martyrs who fought against former Soviet Union in the rows of jihad, but we should respect and celebrate the report cards of all those who lost their sweet lives for independence and territorial integrity of their country anywhere and anytime and even those unknown martyrs who lost their lives for the same cause from any part of the country in the course of old history should be respected and celebrated, Behzad stated.  He said that as much as the aspirations of martyrs and their report cards are celebrated, in such a scale, a nation remains alive. At the same time, a number of our countrymen who lost  a number of their family members during war periods and others, have different considerations in the connection with Martyr Week and say that all those who had been martyred during the recent decades in Afghanistan, should be celebrated and their families should be supported morally and materially.
Ms. Nahid who lost her two sons in war years says that only the government martyrs who are famous are commemorated but the poor ones are not commemorated. I lost my two young sons; commemoration from their week is insufficient. The government should provide means of subsistence and shelter for us. A young lady, Ms Marzia who lost her husband during the rule of Taliban and has two girls and one son said that as of eleven years to date I am widow. My husband was military officer who was killed by Taliban. So far, no assistance has been rendered to me. Through tailoring, I provide a loaf of bread for my off-springs. They need affection and caress. Weak economy deprived us from all affluences. She added that the government should help martyrs’ families.
I don’t know about the Martyr Week, but with passing each year, our problems get increased. I don’t know how to fight problems? This is in a time that the week of martyrs of path of independence of Afghanistan is celebrated by government and various institutions in the capital and other provinces of the country.

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