
Afghanistan Focuses on Alternative Solutions as Poppy Cultivation Ceases


KABUL (BNA): Mawlavi Sadrazam Osmani, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock, held a meeting with Fazel Akin Erdogan, the President of the TIKA organization, to discuss the country’s transition away from poppy cultivation.

During the meeting, Mawlavi Sadrazam Osmani acknowledged that poppy cultivation in Afghanistan has come to an end. However, he emphasized that the weak economies of farmers require further assistance.

Fazel Akin Erdogan, the President of the TIKA organization in Afghanistan, acknowledged the significant achievement of reducing poppy cultivation in Afghanistan to near-zero levels, which has garnered global attention.

TIKA, an organization with a presence in Afghanistan since 1992, has undertaken various initiatives in sectors such as health, education, historical site restoration, mosques, and agriculture.


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