
National Unity Removes Feuds

Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Kabul (BNA) The high feelings of national unity remove the disputes of society, make the tribes united, remove the nefarious design of enemies’ and creates atmosphere of friendship among people.
But unfortunately the prolong war created feud and disputes among people that’s why Afghans should increase the feeling of national unity among them and shouldn’t provide opportunity to the enemies create enmity among them and attain their malicious interest which are to weaken the Afghan economically and show them as a deprived nation.
The feeling of national unity should be boosted among Afghans because lack of national unity provides chances to enemies to attain their interest and fuel their enmity remain them backward from development.
In order to prevent the enemies to attain their interests and enhance the disputes among Afghans it seems indispensable that the feeling of national unity should be amplified.
President Karzai in his meetings with Ulema, influential, elders and scholars of different tribes has always stressed too much on national unity and its positive impacts.
All the patriotic citizens who know that the enemies are creating disputes in our country for the achievement of their interests; they should unveil them and hand them over the court so in future they no dare of committing such crimes.
It is the responsibility of each Afghan to remove the internal disputes and feuds among Afghans, become united to create an atmosphere of friendship and brotherhood among Afghans and stand shoulder by shoulder beside their elected government for the achievement of their goals and in the annihilation of inherited ethnical disputes.
Let’s become united to bring peace, security and economic development in the country and by this way, save of peace and stability and breakdown their malicious interests.

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