
Insider Attack Martyrs Five Policemen

Saturday February 13, 2016

Kabul (BNA) At least five policemen were martyred and seven others were wounded following in insider attack in southern Kandahar province the night before last.
The incident took place in Zhari district of the province, while a policeman shooting on his colleagues.
Gen. Rahmatullah Atrafi security director of Kandahar said BNA, a policeman who has link with Taliban militants shooting on other Afghan National Policemen, in which 5 policemen were martyred, seven others wounded and the attacker was killed as well.
Meanwhile, a local official in Zhari district says, two attackers shooting on them, which one of them was killed and another succeeded to flee the site.
Taliban militants confirmed that they carried out the attack by two policemen, who already have connection with them.

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