
CE Meets Indian Prime Minister

Saturday, December 26, 2015
Kabul (BNA) Afghanistan’s Chief Executive, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah in his meeting with Narendra Modi, the Indian Prime Minister discussing different points related to the agendas, the CE office said the other day.
Both sides discussed old bilateral relations between the two countries, with the country’s CE, Dr. Abdullah calling Modi’s Afghanistan visit historic.
The CE thanked the Indian cooperation with Afghanistan during the resistance and war against terrorism and the Taliban and share of that country in reconstruction of Afghanistan.
“Cooperation between the two countries was a need as both nations are facing common threats from terrorism as well as the two countries need a beef up in economic cooperation,” said the statement.
Dr. Abdullah also thanked the prime minister, the issuing of up to 500 education scholarships for the martyrs’ families and providing four helicopters for the country’s security forces, according to the statement.
He asked for firm presence of India in extension of the gas pipeline and energy through railway extension as well as investment in Afghanistan.
Indian Prime Minister, meanwhile said he would never forget his Afghanistan’s historical visit and respect any step towards institutionalization of democracy in the country.
“We feel here in our country, what happening in Afghanistan.
I could get deep familiarity with Afghanistan’s issue after the Taliban blew up the giant Buddha Statues in 2001,” said Modi who lauded Afghanistan for helping wide number of women presence in the house of people.
He pointed to three points helping change the Afghanistan and the regional economy TAPI project, connecting Afghanistan and Delhi via Chabahar Port and expansion of transportation system for connecting the regional countries with each other.
He pledged his country would never spare any cooperation in this respect.

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