
Fair Electoral Campaigns Consolidate Stability, President Karzai

Saturday February 8, 2014
Kabul (BNA) President Hamid Karzai in his 15-day Radio Speech to the nation expressed satisfaction over the start of the electoral campaigns and called it an important step towards stability and consolidation of people’s rule in Afghanistan.
Emphasizing on the importance of electoral campaign in encouraging people for usage of their votes towards further stability and future progress in the country, the president called on the candidates that “We and all the countrymen are certain that you will carry on your campaign in such a way in which national unity will be strengthened and massive participation of the people at the election will be encouraged.
He further emphasized that the people of Afghanistan wish that the candidates and their colleagues explain their programs and views to the people for the reconstruction and building up of the country and this way obtain their votes.
Touching on the past two presidential elections, President Karzai said that the people voted to the candidates throughout the country and now for the third time they will move towards the ballot boxes and practically experience popular rule. At the end of his radio address President Karzai noted that the principle of popular rule is that differences exist in views and using of votes and every one want to vote to the candidate of their choice, however these differences of view should never lead to personal opposition and we should strongly preserve our fraternity and unity.

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