
Taliban Prisoner Disguised In Women’s Dress In Failed Bid To Break Jail

Saturday, March 05, 2016

Kabul (BNA)  A Taliban prisoner disguised in women’s dress and burqa in a bid to break jail in northern Jawzjan province of Afghanistan was arrested by the security forces before he manage to pass through the final exit gate of the jail.
According to the local security officials, the failed attempt by the prisoner was made in Sherbarghan city, the provincial capital of Jawzjan province.
The prisoner was identified as Mohammad Nader who was serving in the jail for having links with the Taliban group, Gen. Dil Agha Adil, head of Sar-e-Pul jail.
He said the prisoner was looking to use the opportunity on Thursday morning which is normally the visiting day for the relatives of the prisoners.
Over one thousand prisoners are kept in Sherbarghan city jail which includes women and men both from Sar-e-Pul and Jawzjan provinces, arrested over different criminal charges.
This is not the first the anti-government armed militants using burqa and women’s dress to escape from the security forces.
The Afghan intelligence – National Directorate of Security (NDS) operatives arrested a commander of the notorious Haqqani terrorist network as he was trying to enter Khost city late last year.

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