
Rula Ghani Among World’s 100 Most Influential People

Saturday April 18, 2015
Kabul (BNA) The Time Magazine has released its list of 100 most influential people, in which, Afghanistan’s First Lady Rula Ghani is also named as one of the most influential figures in the world. She, according to the magazine, was selected for her commitments to improve living standards for women in the country-where the women have been the victims of domestic violence, forced or underage marriages, rape and many other heinous buses. U.S. President Barack Obama, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Jawad Zarif, Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Former U.S. State Secretary Hillary Clinton, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and an American journalist Jorge Ramos were also found in the list. Meanwhile, the First Lady’s office issued a statement on Friday, expressing her gladness on the occasion. “She hopes that her work in the coming four years will fulfill the confidence placed in her,” the statement noted. Female Afghan Politian Malalai Joya and an entrepreneur Roya Mahboob have already been named in the Time’s list in 2010 and 2013 respectively.

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