
Enemies’ Designs Defeated; General Mohammadi

Wednesday September 17, 2014
Kabul (BNA) Defense Minister, General Bismillah Mohammadi said Tuesday that all the plans of the enemies had been foiled and defeated. Addressing the senate, he said that the enemies had planned to set up some bases in Helmand, Nuristan, Kunar provinces and other parts of the country but their malicious designs had been foiled by the country’s national security forces. He said, the national army alone had launched 600 special operations and 135 operations out of plan against Taliban militants inflicted huge casualties to enemies. During the operations, the security forces had also discovered and defused 4,000 mines and explosive devices besides thwarting 691 offensives of the militants.
General Mohammadi also stated that the national security had been conducting the military operations independently over the past two years and the NATO-led forces continued to equip and train the national security forces. Senate questioned the security officials on Tuesday. In addition to the defense minister, the minister for interior Mohammad Omar Daudzai said the senate house that the propaganda of the enemies has tripled this year. Speaking at the house, Hesamuddin Hesam said that the security apparatus have foiled major operations and designs of the enemies. Meantime, chairperson of the defense commission of senate, Mrs. Rohgul Khairzad in her speech praised the courage and bravery of the national security forces including army, police and personnel of the national directorate for security in foiling the enemies and terrorist attacks over the past six months including providing security for the elections and arresting criminal gangs.

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