
Protest In Kabul After Court Overturns Death Sentences In Mob Killing of Farkhunda

Tuesday, July 07, 2015
Kabul (BNA) A demonstration was organized in capital Kabul yesterday to protest against the court ruling that overturned the death sentences for four men convicted for taking part in the mob killing of Farkhunda over false Quran burning allegation.
Dozens of people including women activists participated in the demonstration which was staged outside the Shah Do Shamshera shrine where the women was brutally murdered.
The appeal court overturned death sentences for four men by sentencing three of them to 20 years in jail and another one in 10 years in jail.
Malalai Joya was among the several activists who participated in the rally organized by the National Solidarity Party of Afghanistan.
She said the court decision paves the way for the killers to go free while insisting they are all criminals.
At least 48 people including the custodian and the servant of the shrine were arrested by police after investigations revealed the accusations were false and no proof was found to prove the holy Quran was torched. The 27-year-old Farkhunda was brutally beaten murdered and her body was set on fire by angry mob after she was accused of burning Quran.

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