
Distribution of Aid Began to Hundreds of Families in Samangan

Aibak (BNA)  The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is assisting hundreds of displaced and returnee families in Samangan.

According to the local correspondent of BNA, the process of distributing cash and twelve items of winter clothes started yesterday in cooperation with the International Organization for Migration for displaced families in Aibak city.

Sayed Kamal Hosaini, director of immigrants and returnees in Samangan, says, through its humanitarian assistance, the (USAID) distributes $ 200 and twelve winter clothing items to each of the 620 internally displaced families and families returning from abroad.

Dawood Kalkani, governor of Samangan, thanked the organization’s aid, especially the International Organization for Migration, for distributing aid to those families said that it could alleviate some of their problems.

  1. Yarzada
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