
Security Situation, Floods Losses Discussed In Senate Session

Monday, April 23, 2012
Kabul (BNA)  At yesterday’s session of the Sente chaired by Fazel Hadi Muslimyar its chairman, the senators discussed the country’s security, holding Tokyo and Chicago conferences on Afghanistan and the casualties and material losses due to recent floods in some provinces. 
The session heard a report on recent floods in Uruzgan, Paktia, Balkh, Baghlan, Kabul, Amu Daraya course that caused human and materials losses as well as some animals were perished including heavy damages to the agricultural lands, homes, mosques, shops and transport roads. 
It should be noted that in the month of Hoot of last year the Senate had warned the disaster preparedness department on probable avalanches, and floods in the spring and water rise that could endanger the lives of the people and cause human and material losses and advised it to undertake precautionary measures, however, no timely assistance has reached the affected people while they are in need of urgent assistance. 
The senators also anticipated increment in opposition attacks with the warning of weather especially in the provinces bordering Pakistan and Iran, especially in Helmand and called the serial suicidal attacks as a matter of concern and criticized the weakness of the intelligence agencies of the country and indifference of the foreign troops and the cadre policies in security spheres. 
In another part of the session Senator Anarkali Hunaryar informed the session of abuse of Hindu and Sikh shopkeepers in Tereenkot of Urozgan provinces by some people and their shops have been closed. 
The speaker of the senate assigned the senators of Urozgan province to contact with the in charges of the province and address the problems of the Hindus and Sikhs as equal citizens of Afghanistan.

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