
NUG Leaders Condemn Taliban’s Attack in Kabul

Tuesday, July 02, 2019
Kabul (BNA) The National Unity Government leaders denounced the attack in Kabul, saying the terrorists once again carried out crime in the city and martyred a number of civilians, including children and women.
“The government is leading peace programs in line with the decisions made in Peace Consultative Loya Jirga.  But Taliban once again continued their inhuman acts and targeted civilians to show their vicious goals,” the President said as quoted in a statement from the presidential press office.
Meanwhile the Chief Executive Dr. Abdullah Abdullah went on saying that Taliban terrorists while talking about peace, targeting the defenseless Afghan citizens, which shows these terrorists have been defeated in combat fronts by the brave Afghan forces and carrying such attacks to only disrupt the peaceful atmosphere in the city.
According to officials at the Ministry of Public Health, one person was martyred, and more than hundred people injured during the incident. According to MoI spokesman 210 civilians who were living near the attack scene were rescued by security forces.
Nusrat Rahimi also said that all five attackers were gunned down by security forces.

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