
Afghanistan Situation Fits No Free Market

Sunday, July 29, 2012
Kabul (BNA) The people ask the state authorities to do their best to have control over market prices and let no a few profiteers to loot the packets of the people and do want they want. 
BNA social analyst writes: 
Ramadan is a month that the God sends it’s bless to the human being.  The God orders, the man to do beneficial works in Ramadan than any other months. 
There are particular instructions for helping poor’s, destitute and needy people. The religions books especially the Holy Quran and clerics on their sermons persist, that justice and equanimity should be observed and needy and poor people should be supported financially and the Islamic principles should be honored, in order to save the community from evil and corruption. 
But unfortunately, these guidance and instructions remain on page of paper, not put in to practice. Regretfully, the guidance and instructions of Islam have not practice as required for a Muslim. 
Because of Islamic teachings, the followers of Islam should help their fellow citizens and avoid hoarding and profiteering.  In spite all these obvious religious guidance and instructions, the prices of foodstuff and other necessary materials are skyrocketing while there are enough of those goods and materials in reservoirs and markets, and also there is no famine and roadblocks. 
So what is the reason of raising the prices? Regretfully, during the current Ramadan, within its nine first days the prices of certain foodstuff and necessary materials have been increased at least 40 percent. 
In this unjustifiable condition, mostly suffer the poor people and state personnel who have low salaries which connote meet their daily needs. 
But the people who do not know or have forgotten the values of great Islam and Afghan traditions and generosity make the highest profits. 
Fortunately, the number of this group is limited, using the situation, illegally rob the people’s pockets and fill their own.  Unfortunately, the so called free market, which has given these greedy people free hand to do anything they want and determine the market prices according to their will to take the highest profit. 
The authorities should know that economic sufferings and restrictions are worst than any other problem. They should move to supervise and control the prices in the markets in order to prevent the profiteers from this evil and illegal act, in this holy month of Ramadan. 
The people who do this evil act, banned by Islamic law, should be introduced to the court and punished according to Sharia law.

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