
3rd Conference of Govt. Senior Spokesmen Held

Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Kabul (BNA) The third conference of the senior spokesmen of the government was held here in the Government Media Center yesterday.
Addressing the conference Sefatullah Safi, head of Government Media Center said that the objective of ensuring coordination among state-owned media outlets and offices of spokesmen is important in this critical stage. Speaking on the occasion, Feraidon Elham the deputy to affairs’ administration stressed for coordination among state-owned media outlets, adding that all interviews, talks and activities of the presidency should be conveyed to people through the government-run media outlets. He also added that the government is drafting a strategy under which the government achievements would be conveyed to people on weekly basis. Addressing the conference, Simin Hassanzada, the deputy MoIC on publications, hailed press freedom in Afghanistan and said the credit for achievements goes to respecting the law and backing press freedom in the country. Implementing the law of access to information is a good opportunity for media outlets and media-men in the country, Hassanzada asserted. Ensuring coordination among the government-run media outlets, Hassanzada said, is significant for facilitating social and economic development as well as bridging confidence between government and people. Spokesman for Chief Executive, Mujib Rahman Rahimi in his speech at the conference said that the National Unity Government is facing challenges and threats at national and international level.
He also added that people of Afghanistan, youth and civil society wants the country to embrace prosperity while the national security forces have been defending the country’s freedom. Speaking on the occasion, defense ministry spokesman General Zahir Azimi stressed for coordination and added that the enemies have been propagating to spoil people’s trust to the government, saying “It is better to have no propagation instead of bad propaganda.” Spokesman for Presidential Palace, Obaid Abidi pointed out that the responsibility of media is not only to reflect the government’s performances and achievements, rather it is public opinion making and make people ready to believe that the government is moving in right track.

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