
Message Of Marshal Fahim On 23rd Anniversary Of Former Soviet Union Forces Withdrawal From Afghanistan

Saturday, February 18, 2012
Kabul (BNAS) Muslim, Jahade, and brave people of Afghanistan. 
I am pleased to congratulate you on the 23rd anniversary of withdrawal of former Soviet forces from our dear Afghanistan. 
The Muslim and high-headed people of Afghanistan and the history is witness that on the 26th of Dalwa 1367 HS the soldiers of former Soviet Union who had invade our country from air and land, by accepting their defeat shamelessly left the soil of Afghanistan. 
We are celebrating this date with pride as the day of national savior of Afghanistan and we praise all those who laid their lives on the path of freedom and independence, and wish peace for the souls of all the martyrs of Jehad, and national resistance of Afghanistan. 
I congratulate on this day all the Mujahideen, members of the martyr’s families, disabled of the path of Jehad of Afghanistan. 
The disabled of Jehad and the freedom of our land are the brave soldiers who by accepting sacrifices and by shedding their blood and by losing a part of their precious body, recorded their names in the golden pages of history of the country and for this they are very dear for their people. 
The brave people of Afghanistan with the start of resistance and Jehad against the Red Army invaders and its puppet regime indicated that how they can stand against the invaders of their country in full unity and oneness. 
Brave countrymen. We have very bitter memories of those days that have brought immense miseries to our people. 
Continued years of misery and cruelty forced millions of our people to leave the homeland and migrate to other countries, we have million of martyrs, and the disabled and we lost all of our economic infrastructures. 
The world knows well that the invasion of the Red army on Afghanistan and its aftermaths adversely destructed the political, economic structure of our country. 
This also caused that the greatest super power of the world collapse and the voice of freedom was raised in the member states of the Soviet Union as well as the East European countries. 
The invasion though destroyed our country and caused miseries, but its strengthened fraternity among the tribes and residing tribes in our historic homeland. 
Dear countrymen.
The forces of the Red army in Afghanistan faced tough resistance of our people and for near ten years strived to preserve its puppet regime with the most advanced arms and continued killing of our people as a result of which the country witnessed its most tragic era in its history. 
Our people could defend their interests and challenged the forces of the former Soviet Union and forced them to retreat.
Dear countrymen
It should be recalled that I ask you to join hands and unite in ending the prevailing miseries facing the country now so that we can bring about peace and calmness to our country and open the way for reconstruction of the ruins of thirty years of war and show to the world that we can overcome all difficulties. 
The continued war takes the prosperity and the opportunities during which we build up our country and heal our people’s wounds. 
Availing of this opportunity I would like to offer peace for the souls of martyrs of Afghanistan and wish you all prosperity and calmness.

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