
CM Urges New Ministers To Honestly Serve Nation

Tuesday, May 05, 2015
Kabul (BNA) The 15th periodical meeting of the Council of Ministers (Co M) with chief executive Dr. Abdullah Abdullah on the chair held was in Sapidar Palace here yesterday.
At the outset of the meeting, the chief executive, besides congratulating 16 newly appointed ministers urged them for offering better services to the people.
Hinting at recent security incidents in the country, the chief executive said that the enemies of Afghanistan have been waging waves of violence against Afghans.
However, he added that the country’s national security forces would continue to wipe out the enemies in each corner of the country. The meeting also discussed summoning and questioning four newspapers’ editor-in-chiefs by the ministry of information and culture.
Briefing the meeting, the minister of information and culture Abdul Bari Jahani said that some newspapers including the Daily Mandegar in their reports had “accused me of creating problems for banning some book in exhibition” adding, “commission had taken decision in this regard before my coming to the ministry and I have no role in this field and have no information about the subject and the modalities of the work of the commission.” 
With regard to summoning the editor-in-chiefs of the said newspapers, the minister added that he just sent them message to come to the ministry where he would personally apprise them that the commission had taken decision with regard to the books and he had no role.
“I am against censor and instead supporting freedom of press,” the minister of Information and Culture said in the meeting of CoM.
Meanwhile, the chief executive categorically stated that censor is not acceptable except in cases with regard to blasphemy and crimes.
The chief executive also instructed the code of conduct of the commission for reviewing violation of media should be reviewed and the law on mass media must be fulfilled in good manner.
At the meeting of CoM paying tax by Afghanistan beverage company was also discussed and it was decided that to stop imposing more fine on the company and instead the finance minister and head of the company have to finalize paying the dues of the company.  The meeting also decided that Kabul Municipality in coordination with ministries for justice and interior to clear the dues of shopkeepers of Microrayon neighborhood.

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