
Patang to Continue His Work As Acting Minister of Interior

Tuesday July 23, 2013
Kabul (BNA) The Lower House of National Assembly of Afghanistan summoned the Minister of Interior on 22 July for questioning.
As a result of voting, majority of members of Lower House voted for disqualification of the Minister.
Hamid Karzai, President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan while considering voting of disqualification and summoning of Ministers as the right of people’s representatives according to the country’s constitution, but asserting that vote of disqualification of the Minister has to be based on proper reasons and law.
Therefore, for further clarification of the issue, the President has decided to refer the issue to Supreme Court of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
The President will make a decision after receiving answer from the Supreme Court.
So, the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan appointed Mujtaba Patang to continue his work as Acting Minister of Interior until adopting final decision to be made by Supreme Court of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

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