
On the occasion of 7th and 8th Saur: 7th, 8th Saur two important events in Afghanistan’s history

Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Kabul (BNA) 7th Saur 1357 (27 April 1978), a military coup had been conducted against Sardar Mohammad Dawood government.
Early morning that day, a group of militaries air-stroke the Presidential Palace, aimed to overthrow Sardar Mohammad Dawood government.
The government, eventually, had overthrown after ten hours battle and consequently, the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan led by Noor Mohammad Taraki took the political power and announced a military council.
This event which was started by Sardar Mohammad Dawood murder was a great tragedy in the history of Afghanistan’s political chapter.
Sardar Mohammad Dawood was the founder of republic in Afghanistan and the first president whom changed the monarchy into republic by launching a white coup in 1973.
The coup d’etate of Saur 7th was a historic day in Afghanistan; it had thrust the country toward political chaos and the situation was getting more worsened by each passing day, as it even paved the way to foreign countries to enhance their interferences.
Finally, after fourteen years long resistance, mujahidin factions took the power on 8th Saur 1371 (28 April 1991), but the victory had followed armed conflicts among different parties, and the dream of war-suffered people of Afghanistan on peace restoration in the country had not come true.
On Feb. 1989, when the 115,000Russian troops were about to leave Afghanistan, it established a government in Afghanistan under the leadership of President Najibullah and Hizb-e-Watan Party.
But the change infuriated the mujahideen factions and motivated them to initiate armed battle against the pro-Russian government in Kabul.
In the northern part of the country, the Uzbeks under the commandment of General Abdul Rashid Dostum and Shora-e-Nizar led by Ahmad Shah Massoud made a coalition which led to collapsing of regime in Kabul.
On April 1992, Dr. Najibullah resigned and tried to flee the country through Kabul International Airport, but he faced the opposition forces’ prevention and then sought refuge to the UN office in Kabul.
Availing the opportunity, elements related to People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan and the Mujahideen groups made efforts to fill the power vacuum in Kabul.
Rapidly changes had been happening inside Afghanistan had really surprised the Islamic Parties leaders in Pakistan as they even couldn’t decide properly what to do.
They hadn’t specific plan on how to take the power in Kabul, consequently by Saudi Arabia and Pakistan mediation, the leaders forced to reach an agreement on 4th Saur 1991.
After agreement approval, a fifty-member temporary council led by Jabhi Nejat Millie (National Rescue Front) leader Sebghatullah Mujadedi was formed.
Meanwhile, it was decided that the power to transfer to Qiadi Council—a council which was consisting of ten Islamic Parties led by Burhanuddin Rabbani after two months.
It was stated in the agreement that after transferring power to Qiadi Council, Burhanuddin Rabbani to be the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Gulbuddin Hekmatyar (Leader of Hezbi Islami Afghanistan) as the Prime Minister—a move which paved the ground to Taliban and changed Afghanistan into a hideout of the international terrorists like (al-Qaeda).
On Dec. 2001, an interim administration under the chairmanship of President Hamid Karzai whom was strongly supported by the international community was formed, but the threats have not still completely uprooted.
Right now, under these trying circumstances, the people of Afghanistan are really thirsty of peace and stability and in order to restore them, we need to join hands with each other and create national unity and solidarity and don’t let our country’s enemies to be successful in their ominous desires.Lailuma Noori

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