MCIT Leads Digital Transition with NSIA Collaboration on Attendance Systems

KABUL (BNA): The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) and the National Statistics and Information Authority (NSIA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to implement electronic attendance systems in NSIA’s provincial offices.

The agreement was signed by Mawlawi Najibullah Hayat Haqqani, Acting Minister of Communications and Information Technology, and Haji Abdul Qaher Idris, Head of NSIA. Under the agreement, the General Directorate of Digital Governance of MCIT will oversee the implementation of the electronic attendance system.

During the signing ceremony, Minister Haqqani highlighted the importance of digital governance and advanced systems in the modern era. He stated that MCIT is actively developing systems for ministries and governmental agencies across Afghanistan to facilitate administrative tasks and ensure prompt service delivery to citizens through digital governance.

NSIA leadership expressed appreciation for MCIT’s efforts to incorporate modern technology, emphasizing its role in improving service delivery for Afghan citizens.


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