ARCS Provides Healthcare to Over 15,000 Individuals in Baghlan Last Month

BAGHLAN (BNA): Officials from the Afghan Red Crescent Society (ARCS) in Baghlan province report that they have provided health services to 15,640 individuals over the past month.

Sayed Safiullah Hashimi, the head of ARCS publications in Baghlan, told Bakhtar News Agency that ARCS doctors attended to 3,604 patients in various areas of the province, providing necessary medications. Additionally, 275 injured individuals received wound care, while vaccinations were administered to 1,431 women and children to prevent various diseases.

The services also included health counseling for 8,723 individuals, maternity assistance for 464 women, nutritional support for 983 malnourished children, and family planning advice for 160 women.

Meanwhile, residents of Baghlan province emphasize the urgent need for increased healthcare services in remote areas. They urge the Afghan Red Crescent Society to expand its mobile health teams to reach more patients in need.


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