Arab Investor Plans Investment in Kandahar’s Pomegranate Packaging and Juice Production


KANDAHAR (BNA): Officials from the Kandahar Chamber of Industries and Mines report that an Arab investor, Abu Muhammad, has expressed interest in investing in the packaging and juice production of Kandahar’s pomegranates.

Sayed Masroor Amani, the head of Kandahar’s Chamber of Mines, told Bakhtar News Agency that this Arab investor is ready to invest in the export, packaging, and juice production of pomegranates in the industrial town.

Amani added that a significant portion of Kandahar’s pomegranates was exported to Pakistan annually. However, due to high tariffs imposed by Pakistan this year, pomegranate orchard owners have suffered substantial economic losses.

He stated that this issue can be resolved by enhancing the processing and packaging capacity of pomegranates and other fruits, and the investment by the Arab investor is considered a positive step in this direction.

It is worth noting that this initiative will create international markets for Kandahar’s pomegranates and promote the growth of the province’s fruit industry.


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