Afghanistan Publishers Participate In Frankfurt Int’l Book Exhibition

Sunday, October 12, 2014
Kabul (BNA) The publisher of the world’s 100 countries’ including Afghanistan has taken part in 66th Frankfurt International Book Exhibition in Germany.
According to BNA, the exhibition held with participation of 100 countries of the world and installation of 7000 book stalls was opened October 08 by Germany’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Frank Walter Steinmeier.
The exhibition will be opened for five days.
The first three days were specified for trading visitors and experts of printing and publishing industry, while the last two days are specified for ordinary visitors.
It was the first time when Afghanistan domestic publishers directly participated in the exhibition by installing only one bookstall and 15 rooms.
Azim Publishers installed the only one bookstall named Afghanistan and put 15 books in Dari, Pashto and English for exhibition in Frankfurt International Book Exhibition.
According to head of Afghanistan Publishers Union and director of Azim Publishers Ajmal Azim, it was determined that Khayam Publishers would also participate in the exhibition, but due to incompletion of necessary documents, they couldn’t get Germany visa.
He considered role of Afghanistan in the exhibition as dim and said, “This year we only wanted to show that Afghanistan is working in this sector.”
Germany Frankfurt International Exhibition is the biggest book exhibition held annually with participation of an exclusive guest.
The exclusive guest for this was Finland and more than 210 books of the country were put for exhibition.

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